The IMO adopted the HONG KONG INTERNATIONAL CONVENTION FOR THE SAFE AND ENVIRONMENTALLY SOUND RECYCLING OF SHIPS in 2009. It is aimed at ensuring that ships while being recycled after reaching the end of their operational lives, do not pose any unnecessary risk to human health and safety or to the environment. In addition, the Convention seeks to ensure the proper management of hazardous materials onboard ships.

Regulation (EU) No 1257/2013 of the European Parliament and of the Council of 20 November 2013 ‘on ship recycling and amending Regulation (EC) 1013/2006 and Directive 2009/16/EC was published in the Official Journal6 of the EU on 10 December 2013. It entered into force on 30 December 2013.

All ships flying the flag of an EU member state shall be subject to a survey regime and they shall carry on board a ship-specific ‘Inventory Certificate’ issued by the administration or a RO authorized by it and supplemented by Part I of the IHM. When calling at a port or anchorage of an EU member state, all ships flying the flag of a third country shall carry on board a ship-specific ‘statement of compliance’ issued by the relevant authorities of the third country whose flag the ship is flying or an organization authorized by them and supplemented by Part I of the IHM.

HDUM with its rich technical expertise provides its clients with IHM preparation surveys. Based on the necessary information and documentation collected from the ship-owners, our surveyors will enter the vessel and take samples that are sent for analysis at accredited laboratories. A certificate is issued based on the findings, listing all hazardous materials on-board, including their amounts and location. The IHM will thereafter be certified by the Classification Societies. HDUM will ensure their clients that IHM surveys will be conducted with minimal disruptions to Ship’s operations.

IHM Maintenance

The IHM is an essential for vessel from its construction to throughout her operational stage. IHM maintenance is to keep track of any changes in use of materials on board, for instance, installation, removal, repair or replacement of vessel’s hull, machinery or equipment, which may be hazardous in nature and update the inventory accordingly. In addition, it is suggested that PMS, stores and spares inventory should be kept updated.

HDUM employs cloud storage, which is secure, convenient and ensures data integrity, for IHM maintenance. Updates shared by our clients will be analyzed by our IHM experts and they will maintain the IHM accordingly. The IHM for all ships will always be in updated form and can be shared with class surveyor and PSC officers at the time of IHM class survey.